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Real Science on Cannabis for Fibromyalgia
Many patients with fibromyalgia report benefit from cannabis (medical marijuana), but until recently we did not have the studies to...
Herbal Analgesics Part 1: The Poppy Family
Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum First and foremost on the list of herbs that relieve pain is the opium poppy which contains powerful...
Herbal Analgesics Part 2: Kratom and Cannabis
Kratom Mitragyna speciosa Let me start talking about kratom by clarifying that I am not against it (my prior blogs and videos on this...
Herbal Analgesics Part 3: Anti-inflammatories
Inflammation (immune system activation) plays a big role in causing certain types of pain, especially arthritis and joint pain. This is...
Herbs to Lessen Opioid Withdrawal
Opioids are important, but imperfect, tools to manage chronic pain. Part of their imperfection is due to physical dependence with chronic...
An Epidemic of Undertreated Chronic Pain
I was relieved to to read the headline “A Mea Culpa on CDC Opioid Guideline” in Pain Medicine News. Mea Culpa means a formal...
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